Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Disneyland Hotel

The hotel is beautiful and looks just like the Grand Floridian! We check in and Lori is on the Concierge level (which has complementary buffet breakfast, nightly happy hour with appetizers and desserts, and a viewing area for the nightly fireworks at the park). The view from her room is of the China Sea (it's spectacular) and the giant maze of shrubbery, just like you see in old movies. Since they're at 99% occupancy, I am on the first floor, but I do have a view of the pool :-)

I walk into my room and I can't turn the lights on (remember, it's about 8:30pm, so it's dark)! I'm fumbling around clicking light switches and nothing is happening. So, I'm thinking, 'great, not only have I been relegated to the basement (the lobby is on the third floor), I have a defective room!' I call the desk and it turns out that I have to put my room card key in some wall unit thing by the door and that activates the switches! It's an energy conservation feature. It's actually pretty cool, because I just grab my room card as I'm walking out the door!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Using the door key to turn on the lights--we experienced the same thing at our hotel in Malpensa, Italy. The porter had to show us how it works. It's actually a good idea--we will probably see these installed in US hotels if energy costs remain high.