Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day Seven and Eight

Day 7, Friday - had my first team meeting (Research and Forecasting). Everyone talked about their projects, so it was great to hear what everyone is working on. Also, I reviewed three reports that were sent out Friday night! Had dinner in the hotel, watched tennis on TV, went to bed early.

Day 8, Saturday - a day of sightseeing with Andy. We spent nearly the entire day at Ngong Ping which is atop a mountain that you can only get to by cable car. The cable car ride is 25 minutes, but it has spectacular 360 views. We had a very clear day, so you could see for miles. We could see Tung Chung Bay (Andy kept calling it Wang Chung :-) and the Honk Kong International Airport. Up top, we went on a "Walking With Buddha" adventure that was a multimedia audio-visual experience that taught us about the life of the man (Guatama Siddhartha) who became Buddha . We also watched a cute kids film called "A Monkey's Tale" that taught children the power of sharing. Then we hiked up to the Big Buddha which sits on top of a steep hill (of course) and has a million steps to get there (of course). We walked around the gardens and Monastery and watched people light incense and pray. Then we explored the shops in Ngong Ping Village and there were some REALLY cool shops: a tea shop for Jenn, a chopsticks shop, lots of jewelry shops, and a massage center. There were lots of food places too, including a Starbucks (which had a line out the door!). After about 4 hours, we boarded the cable car again and headed headed back down the mountain.

We got on the train and headed to the Gold Coast, which is kind of like a beach community, but located in an urban area (I know, it's hard to picture). Since everyone lives in high-rises, there are lots of people, so it feels urban, but Hong Kong is also an Island, so there's lots of water and beaches. The Gold Coast is more like a suburb of Hong Kong. We went there because when Andy was in here three years ago, that's where the temporary housing was, so we figured there's a higher than average probability that I could end up there when I return. The area is really nice and there's lots of reasonable priced restaurants (unlike downtown Hong Kong), shopping, and, there's a beach with a very nice Italian restaurant whose owner remembered Andy and said he hopes we come back! We even checked out the supermarket just to make sure it had all the essentials (beer, decent wine selection, etc :-). Seems like a fun place to live.

Okay, I'm tired so I'm signing off. Tomorrow it's tour all of the downtown Museums day!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Not more steps! I made it back ... showed Joe the pictures and put the pressure on.