Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Act I: Orlando to Chicago

I finally have a computer that works!!! They got it working at the end of the day, so I decided to bring it to my hotel.

Okay, so my odyssey began on Thursday morning. I got to the airport at 7:10am for my 8:41 flight. Tried to check my bags curbside, but apparently you can't do that for International flights (even though I was flying to Chicago first). So, I'm thinking 'great, I have to go inside and there's a long line!' But, I had plenty of time so I went in and found out that even though my ticket to Chicago is Economy Plus, my Business Class ticket to China allows me priority check-in. So, I breeze right through! The security went quickly too and I was at my gate by 7:30. I buy a really good orange smoothy and by that time Lori showed up and we boarded the plane. Once in Chicago, we had an hour and a half to kill, so we went to the Red Carpet lounge (First and Business Class fliers get to use it). It was great; everything was free. I had a glass of wine, cheese and crackers, a granola bar, and a banana!

We boarded the plane and we were off - on time!

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