Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day Three through Six

The work week is almost over and it's been very interesting. But before I get into it, many of you have been asking about pictures. I forgot my camera, so Lori and Andy have been taking pictures for me. Lori leaves tomorrow, so hopefully, if her husband Joe sends me the pics quickly (no pressure Joe!), I'll have them posted early next week. Andy doesn't leave Hong Kong until August 14th, so you'll have to wait awhile for those. Since I'm in the land of shopping (specifically technology, you should see the cell phones and cameras here!), I'm actually going to buy myself a new camera this weekend when I go out exploring (stayed tuned).

Warning: non-Disney people may find this next part boring :-) The week has been great! Lots of Meet & Greets with the clients to understand their research needs/wants. Everyone here is really friendly and committed to making this place a success. Being 12 hours ahead of the East Coast (15 hours ahead of Corporate), allows for a real entrepreneurial spirit here. With not as many layers, everyone here has extremely high responsibility for their work. There's a tremendous amount of passion in senior execs and it's great to see. My team is fabulous (I have 6 direct reports and three of them have direct reports of their own)! They're really young and extremely hard working. They remind me of my team at WDW, except for the really young part (Jenn you're excluded because you are still really young :-). Additionally, most of them have degrees in Statistics. They seem to like me and they're taking me to the competition next week on my birthday (a place called Ocean Park). Oh, I almost forget, in case you were wondering, all IT departments are the same. I'm still having issues with my computer. Call me a stereotyper (is that a word?), but I assumed that IT at an Asian company would be better than an American company, LOL! Also, I took a preview tour of a new attraction that we're going to do a show evaluation on. It was really cool! It is a Zoentrope (there's one at DCA) and it was truly incredible. It will really give guests a surface understanding of how much effort it takes to create animation.

Enough about work! I've been going to the gym pretty regularly, but I got locked out of my room this morning! I went to the gym and when I came back to me room, my key card didn't work! Maybe it got close to my BlackBerry holder that has a magnet. I had to go back to the gym and they called up to the front desk to let me into my room. Good news is that I weighed myself while I was in the gym and I am down two pounds! WooHoo!!

Still eating zucchini and salmon every morning for breakfast. I have Chinese food at lunch and dinner. Lori and I went to the other hotel (the Disney Hollywood Hotel) and we got pizza! Ooh, the pineapples here are fabulous. I eat them as much as I can. Speaking of pineapples, this place really feels like a tropical island. It's got lush scenery, heat and humidity. Everyday the temperature has been at least 33 Celsius (someone please tell me what that is in Fahrenheit!) and sunny.

Well, that's all I got for now, check back in on Sunday as I will have recapped my weekend!

Miss you all :-)


Anonymous said...

So, is about 10:30 pm here and I just happened to think about how you're on the other side of the world and just getting your day started... thought i'd check in and see if there were updates. Sounds fun! Wish we could come visit. I'm thinking worldwide research meet and greets should be mandatory... :-) Are the cell phones there cheap? Compatible? Keep us posted! ~ Rob

Anonymous said...

By the way, it's 91 degrees. Check out this link :-)

~ Rob

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you forgot your camera!! Oh, Donna!! :)
An easy way to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit is to double the Celsius temperature and then add 25. It is not exact, but will be close enough for the temperatures that you will experience.
We miss you bunches! Have a great weekend and keep blogging!